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Our founder, Gillian Lloyd, wanted to meet up with many of the people she’d met over the years; however like the rest of us, there were never enough days in a year. So she had an idea! Why not invite them all to lunch at the same time.
This was the seed for “By Invitation Only” (BIO). The idea developed into a ladies only lunch, held usually on the first Saturday in March, to which guests attend “By Invitation Only”. A means of raising funds for deserving causes whilst meeting up at the same time. The only other request made of the guests is that they endeavour to attend each year and bring a guest with them.
Originally the idea for By Invitation Only, was to meet up with family and friends however, this idea has soon developed into what BIO lunches stand for today: Friendship, Information, Support and Raising Money for Charity.
The success of ‘By Invitation Only’ has been overwhelming and each year over 1,000 women sit down to lunch and it is hoped that this success will continue to keep growing for years to come. We also celebrate milestone years, and occasionally allow the men to join us, as we did when we celebrated our 10th year with an Anniversary Ball.
If you are interested in joining our lunch or would like to become involved in some way, maybe by sponsoring our event, then please contact Karen Hibbart.
Our next event is being held on Saturday the 8th March 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Crawley, West Sussex
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